
Herein are placed some of my favourite pieces of horror media, including mostly videogame screenshots, peculiar photos and stuff I found online.

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It should come as no surprise when I say that Silent Hill is my favorite horror franchise. This image I think captures the real horror or Silent Hill 2: Angela’s eternal suffering. Whereas James deserved his punishment, Angela serves as a tragic figure of endless suffering.

Silent Hill is a masterpiece of psychological horror, maybe even more so than the previous game. The final cutscene shook me to my core the first time I witnessed it, and still makes me feel nauseous today. Such is the storytelling and mood-setting, that I wonder how Heather stomached it all!

The X-Files

Of course this page couldn’t be called “SpookyStuff” without Spooky Mulder making an appearance. Actually Dana will forever have my heart, but they’re both the reason I’m bi.

I started watching The X-Files about a couple years ago and, to be honest, it hasn’t disappointed (even the Mulder-lacking eighth season). In fact, I’m really pumped for the reboot, but I first have to get through the ninth season.

You’ll hear all about it on the blog!


Not so much horror as horny, but I wanted to give a shout-out to my husband, Leon.

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